Friday, October 01, 2010


It hasn't rained heavily in a while now. It hasn't rained even lightly for a few days. How on Earth did my child find mud in our backyard?!?
For those of you who know me, you know that I'm not much of a clean freak. I manage to keep the house relatively clean most of the time, but I don't spend much time cleaning. So it'll amaze you (just like it amazed my husband) that I decided to deep clean the kitchen. Naomi wanted to go outside while I was doing that, so I said that would be fine. About 15 minutes later she comes to the back door looking like this:

If you can't tell, she's wearing a white t-shirt, pink pants, and black dress-up shoes. She said she was bathing in the mud...uh, yeah, that's pretty apparent!

A smart person would have hosed her off outside, a person with one thought in her head would have at least stripped her of her clothes prior to bringing her inside, yeah, I was neither of those. I stuck her in the shower, clothes, shoes, and all and cleaned her up. Oh well, she and the clothes got clean, I carried her so mud wasn't tracked through the house, and the kitchen is mostly clean...

And if you're wondering where the mud came from, the rain barrel had some water in it.


Andrea said...

Oh boy...I think I would have had a heart attack. Yup, I definitely would have hosed her down outside!

Kristin J said...

We normally do the naked outside, then the hose and then the shower. But your way is a good idea too. It saves the washing machine from getting trashed!