Tuesday, January 04, 2011

Ask and you will receive!

So after my rant about Naomi, I received an email explaining why children have a hard time staying quiet and why they tend to interrupt.  For anyone out there who would like to read it here's a link: http://www.babycenter.com/0_interrupting-why-it-happens-and-what-to-do-about-it_65472.bc?scid=mbtw_post4y_9m_3w:.978&pe=dLN2ub&st=MjAxMTAxMDQ=
I feel much better after reading it and realizing that she's not talking to annoy me, it's just a development stage.

Ready for school!

Naomi starts back to school tomorrow and I think we are both ready for it! 

She is bored out of her mind.  She acts like I'm abusing her because I turn off the TV and insist that she does something else.  I realize that vacation is time for relaxing and vegging a little, but come on kiddo, you can not watch TV all day. 

I'm tired of the questions.  Yes, I LOVE having a child who is inquisitive, who cares about the world around her, who yearns for more information about everything.  But...enough is enough.  It will be nice to have a break when she can ask her teachers instead of me.

Don't get me wrong, I've loved having some extra time with her alone over the holidays.  We enjoyed our time down south with our family.  But yeay that school starts again tomorrow :-D