Monday, November 21, 2011


Naomi decided to be a kitty this year.  She went trick-or-treating with Daddy, Yaya, her cousin, Aunt, Uncle, and some friends.  I hung out at home to hand out candy and work on the class snack for Naomi's class the next day.
She thought about being another character from 'How to Train Your Dragon' and also Cleopatra, but finally decided that a kitty was a good choice.

Here are our pumpkins.  The two little ones are both Naomi's, and both are kitties.  Michael's is the one that looks confused and mine looks sort of scared.

Even the cats got dressed up!  Demi is giving me the evil eye after being stuffed into her skunk outfit, and Milo never stood still long enough for me to get a picture of him.  He was dressed up as Dracula again :-)