Sunday, October 09, 2011

State Fair

Ah, it's that time of year again...or at least is was a month ago when I took these photos!
I love going to the State Fair and Naomi does too.  She loves riding on the ponies, that was the first thing we did on both of our visits this year.
McDonald's farm is always fun too. This 'farm' is for kids, they go through a scavenger hunt like list while learning more about farming and agriculture.  After collecting apples, learning about grain silos and tractors, and collecting eggs, she move on to roping cattle. Since Pa has some expertise in this, he helped her out.

Here she is riding her 'bucking bronco'!

She also dressed up like a real cowgirl.  You know she's going to be a cowgirl, veterinarian, food scientist, rock star right?

We also had a chance to meet Miss Teen New Mexico.  She is a very nice young lady!

The day ended with some carnival rides.  Naomi and Yaya rode on the Ferris wheel together, that's them in the yellow one.  She also loved the fun houses and the bouncy houses, but was not impressed with the spinning dragon ride.  Silly girl...