Wednesday, September 17, 2008

NM State Fair

We went to the New Mexico State Fair! Naomi got to see a lot of animals. In the picture above she's just about to pet a 6 day old goat.
She's looking at the Dairy Cows...sort of... She's also showing what a long tongue she has!
She also got to ride a tractor! Not really, but she thought it was neat to be able to climb up and pretend to drive it. This was part of what they call McDonald's farm, the kids are given baskets and told to collect a certain amount of each thing at different stations. For example, at the first station she needed to collect one apple and two pecans. At the end the kids take all their 'produce' to the market and sort it out into the different bins. They are given a popsicle for the efforts.
Naomi also participated in the Pee-Wee-Stampede! There where three classes (determined by age group) the bucking broncos, the barrel racers, and the calf ropers. Naomi was in the calf ropers.
Here she is parading around with her horse.

This is her run of the 'calf roping' she didn't win first place, but she was given a ribbon for participation. She also had a GREAT time! We will have to do this again next year when she's a little older.

She also rode a horse (full sized!) named Scout and she feed the goats in the petting zoo. She was worried that each goat needed to be feed, but in the meantime the other goats got mad at me!

Monday, September 01, 2008

Zoo Trip

Yaya and Pa came to visit us over the labor day weekend, and we all enjoyed a fun trip to the Abq Zoo! Aren't they cute in their matching shirts!?!
Naomi's favorite animal of course is the monkeys. She still loves Curious George and all other monkeys.
She also enjoyed feeding the ducks, geese, and fish. She actually had one goose eat out of her hand. She also was able to feed a peacock during our lunch. I'm always a little worried that she'll fall in the fish pond, but she hasn't yet.
I'm not sure what is going through her mind her, but she just looks so grown up!

This is back at the tropical monkey area. If you notice the monkey is watching her quite intently! Makes you wonder who is on exhibit...