Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Way back in May we visited Carlsbad Caverns.  We drove there on Saturday and watched the bat flight (sadly no pictures of that) then walked the caverns on Sunday before driving home.  It was a bit of a whirlwind trip, but we enjoyed it.

The had digital recordings that you could listen to explaining points throughout the caves.  Naomi's was a children's version so it wasn't bogged down with terms and dates.  She really liked being able to control it! 
My cambera died at some point early on in the caves (of course right?).  But here are two decent cave shots.  We were there right when the caves opened and walked down the natural enterance.  It was a good thing we were there early because we didn't have much of a wait fot the elevator back up to the surface, people had to wait in line for over 2 hours the day before!! We were prepared to walk back out of the caverns if that was the case (although we really didn't want to) but we were lucky :-)

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

1st Day of Kindergarten

August 15, 2011 was Naomi's first day of Kindergarten!  She is able to ride the bus, but we live pretty close to the school, so we are just going to walk for now.  Yaya and Pa came up to be a part of the first day!
All the Kindergartner's (and their teachers) will be wearing this yellow shirt EVERYDAY for the whole first week!  While they are super easy to spot, it also means that I will be doing laundry every night so she has a clean shirt to wear the next day.

It's never a good sign when the day starts right this right?  She actually did great.  She 'couldn't remember' a lot of details, but seemed happy when we picked her up.  She did say that she feel asleep during quiet time, but these kids have a long day at school, 9 am to 4 pm!

Here is Naomi's class, there are 22 students right now.  Ms. Mosley (her teacher) is the one standing to the far right pointing at something across the room.  She seems very nice and lives just around the corner from us.

Naomi was happy to go off to school again this morning, and left me with jobs to finish before she got home, including putting some money on her account so she could buy lunch from the cafeteria!