Tuesday, January 01, 2008


We had a very nice Christmas down in Las Cruces with our family. Naomi enjoyed playing with her cousins and spending time with grandparents, great grandparents, aunts, and uncles. She doesn't quite understand about going home and not seeing everyone everyday and therefore asks repeatedly after them.

She is still at an age where Santa Claus is scary. When Yaya asked her if Santa was her friend she loudly replied "NO!". Maybe she will feel differently next year when she realizes that Santa brings her lovely things.

She needed some help opening her first present, you'd think she'd remember after opening all of the gifts under our tree at home!
She's helping Yaya make a salad for Christmas dinner.
The girls are 'helping' daddy win his game.

Don't they look like Angels! I can't believe we got all of them to stand still long enough to take a couple good pictures.
CHAOS! But we sure did have fun!

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