Wednesday, October 03, 2007

NM State Fair

We went to the fair a couple of weeks ago, I don't have many pictures, but I'll share a couple I do have. Naomi really enjoyed herself. We went to McDonalds Farm and did a scavenger hunt type thing (they need to find 2 apples, 1 egg, etc), we saw all the baby animals that the FFA students were showing, and we also went to the petting zoo. In the petting zoo Naomi saw a sheep picking up dropped food from the sawdust (I hadn't bought any food), so she picked up a handful of sawdust from the ground and threw it at another sheep (as you might imagine, the sheep was not impressed). The sheep had been laying down, but stood up and scared her (just by standing up), so we were done with that!
Naomi and Michael are sharing a funnel cake in the shade. I always feel like all we do at the fair is see animals and eat food...probably because that really is all we do.

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