Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Naomi makes her first cookie (with mom's help)

Naomi and I baked some cookies the other day. Well, I baked, she mostly ate.
Yummy...raw dough, don't worry, I made the dough with pasturiezed eggs! I saw this coming!
What a happy baby! She had to have a bath after this, she was covered in dough...the picture doesn't do her justice! This is her eating the one cookie she made (you can see it in the picture above, it's the bottom right). She didn't like the baked cookie as much as the dough, and it's the day after we made them, maybe she would like a warm cookie better? We'll have to try that next time.

1 comment:

Aunti Nifer said...

She has a smile full of teeth! How many does she have now?