Wednesday, November 15, 2006
So much has happened since I've been able to access this blogger! Halloween, I was a pirate and Naomi was Tigger. We went to the Zoo Boo on the 28th, and while Naomi didn't play any game she did have a great time watching all the kid and seeing the animals. She helped hand out candy on Halloween night and thought that it was a wonderful idea for so many fun kids to come by. Since she has learned to wave bye, she waved to each group of trick-or-treaters!
Here she is at 7 months riding on her car. She hasn't really figured out the whole going forward thing, but she has a lot of fun pushing it around and playing with the toys.
This is also at 7 months, she's trying to escape from the living room, which we have gated off to keep her out of the kitchen. She's plotting with her blue
Finally a picture of my birthday cake, it came out a little fuzzy, but you can get the general idea of it. It was a lot of fun to make because I could experiment with it and know that the person who ordered it wouldn't get mad if there was a mistake.
This is Naomi at 8 months. She's at work in her official 'Say it With Cake' outfit. She really enjoys coming to work and seeing all her friends.
Naomi also got sick for the first time. She has an ear infection right now and we also found out that she is slightly allergic to amoxicillan. Nothing serious, she just has a little rash, but hopefully she'll get over the little bug and be back to her happy little self.
Monday, November 06, 2006
Don't give up!
Thursday, October 05, 2006
6 Months
That's right, our little girl is 1/2 year old! It is truly amazing how the time flys.
Firsts: Crawls a little
Pulls up on furniture
Gets to a sitting position from tummy
Tooth - top left on 9/12
Waves - possibly things she wants to see
Food: Carrots
Hates car trips, scream for the entire trip or until she wears herself out and falls asleep.
still comes to work with me and she is very good most of the time.
Having major difficulties with sleeping again, still has to cry herself to sleep and wakes up at least once during the night. On a bad night she'll wake up 4-5 times.
Loves the kitty! She squeals every time she sees her, and trys to crawl towards her. Sometimes Demi gets too close and Naomi pinches her or grabs her tail, but Demi doesn't get mad at all.
Wednesday, September 27, 2006
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
It's coming...
I can update you though. We are all doing well and are beginning to really settle into our house.
Naomi is now pulling up on everything and starting to crawl. Luckily she doesn't really understand crawling yet and will only go far enough to reach the toy she currently wants and doesn't actually leave the room or get into anything....YET!
Both of our mothers have been up to help us organize the house (THANK YOU!!!) and it is really starting to look like a home rather than a storage facility.
I will post pictures as soon as my cable is located.
Oh, and Naomi slept through the night for the first time! 9 straight hours!
Sunday, August 27, 2006
Sorry for the delay with new posts, we are just days away from moving into our new home and have been really busy. Thanks to both of our parents, we have everything but the furniture and our essentials moved! The furniture will be moved Tuesday.
Here are some new pictures of Naomi. As you can see she sits up very well and is up and ready to crawl (thank goodness she doesn't actually go anywhere yet). She is becoming more coordinated every day.
She's having some problems sleeping, possibly because of our stress due to the move. We will all be glad to be moved into the new house.
We will make sure to get pictures up when we have a chance to take them and have the computers back up and running.
Tuesday, August 15, 2006
5 Months
Firsts: Solid foods (rice, oatmeal, pears, carrots, and sweet potatoe)
Rolled from back to tummy
Plane trip to California
Getting on hands and knees (rocks and lunges)
Stands holding onto furniture
Naomi is really starting to have a personality. She loves songs (Monkeys on the bed and the Ants go marching especially). She also likes to be read to and eating the books, you really have to taste the books to get to the real story. She loves her kitty Demi, but sometimes has to pinch her or pull her tail (Demi bites me when Naomi does is that fair?). She is so strong and always pulls up to sitting or standing when you hold onto her hands. She still comes to work with me at the shop and is good most of the time, she gets tired of being there, but we try to spice up her life with new toys and experiances. The customers really get a kick out of her!
Monday, August 07, 2006
California Girl
We just got back from California visiting family and have so much to share!
This is Naomi on the plane, she did such a good job on both trips. She slept and played most of the time, and really didn't bother any of the other passengers.
Naomi got to meet more grandparents, great grandparents, great aunts, great uncles, and some second cousins.
She also learned to get up on her knees! She will wiggle back and forth and lunge, but doesn't actually crawl yet (thank goodness!).
We got to see the Golden Gate Bridge and Fort Point. Naomi actually stayed in the car (with Granny Anne) for this outing because it was pretty cold and she was asleep.
Here Naomi is with more family (we're great at catching people at their finest robes and swimming suits!)
Naomi also had her first picnic in Sonoma. She didn't actually partake in the food, but we all enjoyed her company.
Here we are at the scenic overlook for the Bridge, it was really windy and a little chilly, and Naomi almost lost one of her socks! Thankfully and nice woman found it on the path and brought it back to us.
We also visited Ghirardeili square. Most of the shops were closed, but it was very pretty and we had some really good ice cream!
Here I am with Naomi and the Sea Lions of Pier 39. We ended up going into San Francisco on two different days, but we enjoyed both trips.
Other firsts from the trip:
Chewed on Sourdough Bread
Ate sand at Crissy Field
Traffic jam (Naomi doesn't like these AT ALL!!)
Earthquake (this was actually a first for all of us). It was located about 7.5 miles away from us and was a 4.4. Funny story...we were trying to get a day bed from the 2nd story porch down to the ground floor, but just over the porch railings. Ken and Anne were lifting it up and over while Michael down below holding it up when it hit. Michael thought the porch was coming down on top of him and I thought the day bed was coming through the wall (I was inside with Naomi at the time). No damage was done and we came away with an interesting stroy.
It really was a very good trip. We enjoyed seeing everyone and hope to go back out this winter so Naomi can see her Great-great grandparents (5 generations!)
I may have left things out...sorry. You'll have to bear with me, I'm still getting over the trip plus trying to pack up our house to move. We'll get pictures up of the house as soon as possible.
Thursday, July 27, 2006
Naomi can stand up...sort of
Naomi can stand for short periods of time on her own (well, with the support of another object)! But, she did fall over once. She also does an excellent job in her Exersaucer (thanks for the loan!) which she really loves. She spins around to play with all the different toys it has to offer, but she does get a little obsessed by a couple of the toys and has to be turned away from them from time to time.
Sunday, July 23, 2006
Naomi's new room
Saturday, July 22, 2006
First Foods
Here she is in her high-chair after finishing her meal.
It's hard to tell from the picture, but she's covered from her head to her toes with the sticky stuff, she had to have a bath right afterwards.
Wednesday, July 19, 2006
Some News
More exciting news, we are house owners...again! Our house is finished and signed for. We won't be moving in until August because of our vacation, but that gives us more time to pack. Our Moms will be out there this week though painting Naomi's room (yeah!) and I'll post pictures ASAP.
Friday, July 14, 2006
4 Months!
Naomi is 4 Months old today!
First: Gurgling, rolled over from tummy to back (6-28), drinking from a sippy cup, turns towards voices and sounds, pets the kitty, sleeps in crib, sits without support for about 15 seconds.
For Naomi's first Father's Day we went to Sweet Tomatoes, a local salad and soup restaurant, of course you've already seen Michael's gift!
She is so alert and grabs everything that is placed in front of her, and once she has it, it always ends up in her mouth, so we're learning to be careful about what we put near her.
She has also fallen in love with faces, especially noses. She loves to grab them and suck on them.
She is also learning to suck her thumb. We have mixed feelings about this, but can't really stop her.
She also "hides" from people sometimes by turning away into Mom's shoulder.
Monday, July 10, 2006
Just had to share...
4th of July
Naomi's first 4th of July went well. We all went over to Michaels sister's house for a BBQ. Naomi didn't get to see any fireworks of course because they are just to late, but on the flip side she also wasn't woken up by any fireworks!
This picture is of her in her 4th of July outfit (sorry it's blurry, sometimes the camera and I just don't get along).
Update: Naomi is now sleeping in her own crib! Her head and shoulders are still elevated to help with her reflux. She is waking up just once or twice a night now.
Sunday, July 02, 2006
Naomi's Ticker
Thursday, June 29, 2006
Naomi, and two of her cousins all had their photos taken at JCPenneys a while back and the pictures came out so cute, thought I'd share! It was hard to get everyone happy all at once, so we only managed to get one with all three of them in it, but I think all three little girls did a wonderful job.
For those of you who don't know Jessica, she is 1 month younger (yes, she is bigger) than Naomi. There is also another girl cousin Christina, but we weren't able to get her to Albuquerque. We hope to take pictures of all our girls later this year. Poor Tomas and Joseph are out numbered!
Wednesday, June 28, 2006
Naomi rolled over for the first time today from her stomach to her back. She had rolled over previously on soft surfaces (beds, pillows, etc.), but this was the first time she did it on the floor. We are so proud of her! We got the fourth time on video (have to have records!) and she just did it so easily.
As you may or may not know, Naomi has spent most of her life sleeping in what we call her bouncy seat. It's an infant seat that vibrates and plays either music or "white noise". But recently she has decided that this is no longer comfortable and doesn't want to sleep there, but she really doesn't like her crib all that much, where is she sleeping you may ask.
That's right, she has taken to our bed! We're trying to move her to her crib slowly, so we leave her with rolled up blankets so she doesn't feel so alone.
She is such a wonderful loving girl, and she's getting smarter and stronger every day. She is even starting to push up on her hands when she is on her stomach now.
Monday, June 19, 2006
As most of you know, we are in the process of building a new house. It is really coming along, and is supposed to be done by the end of this month. We went out this last weekend and took pictures to share with everyone.
This is the front of the house, the room you can see is the formal living room and dining room.
Again, this is the front, but now you can see the garage...yeay!
This is the kitchen from the family room. You can see Naomi's car seat on the island counter top, and just a little bit of Jennifer's back.
We expect to move in the middle of July. I'll try to get better pictures next time!
Tuesday, June 06, 2006
New Blog!
1 Month
Naomi went on her first trip (to Las Cruces)
Sleeps 5-6 hours straight starting at about 11 pm
Sleeps in her bouncy seat at night (we later on find out she has reflux and that's why she is unable to sleep well while on her back).
Moved out of our room on the the third night home because she is so noisy!
Cousin Jessica Elizabeth Elvamae Sletten is born 4/13/06 at 10 lbs 1 oz.
She hates to be left alone for any amount of time.
Loves her bath time!
Went to her first infant massage class and made all the other babies cry, decided she would rather nurse than be massaged.
2 Months
Naomi loves to smile now, at Mommy, Daddy, and the ceiling fan!
First immunization, took them pretty well, but was upset when the nurse held down her feet.
Was babysat by Yaya and Auntie Nifer for a couple of hours.
First trip to the Zoo and the Albuquerque Biopark.
When on stomach holds head up 45 degrees.
Sucks on entire fist.
Sleeps about 9 hours at night.
First Mothers day we went to Coplands with Daddad and GG.
3 Months
First trip to Pampa, TX for family reunion. We drove at night so she could keep her sleep schedule, she did really well.
Discovered her feet on June 2, now she only wants to play with them, forget those hands, they are old hat!
Starting to roll, not all the way over just to her side, but that still means we have to keep a much closer eye on her now.
Is starting to scoot. If she can find something to push off of she will whether she's on her back or her stomach, seems to enjoy the mobility.
Wants to sit up very much, if you are holding her laying down she strains to sit up.
Also loves to "stand". This means that she's on her feet while you hold her under the arms and she also "walks".
Loves TV, if she's in the same room with one she wants to watch it so we have started to watch much less (good for us too).
First laugh June 13 during bath time.
Ok, so now we are caught up! Hope you all enjoy.