Naomi is 4 Months old today!
First: Gurgling, rolled over from tummy to back (6-28), drinking from a sippy cup, turns towards voices and sounds, pets the kitty, sleeps in crib, sits without support for about 15 seconds.
For Naomi's first Father's Day we went to Sweet Tomatoes, a local salad and soup restaurant, of course you've already seen Michael's gift!
She is so alert and grabs everything that is placed in front of her, and once she has it, it always ends up in her mouth, so we're learning to be careful about what we put near her.
She has also fallen in love with faces, especially noses. She loves to grab them and suck on them.
She is also learning to suck her thumb. We have mixed feelings about this, but can't really stop her.
She also "hides" from people sometimes by turning aw

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