Firsts: Solid foods (rice, oatmeal, pears, carrots, and sweet potatoe)
Rolled from back to tummy
Plane trip to California
Getting on hands and knees (rocks and lunges)
Stands holding onto furniture
Naomi is really starting to have a personality. She loves songs (Monkeys on the bed and the Ants go marching especially). She also likes to be read to and eating the books, you really have to taste the books to get to the real story. She loves her kitty Demi, but sometimes has to pinch her or pull her tail (Demi bites me when Naomi does this...how is that fair?). She is so strong and always pulls up to sitting or standing when you hold onto her hands. She still comes to work with me at the shop and is good most of the time, she gets tired of being there, but we try to spice up her life with new toys and experiances. The customers really get a kick out of her!
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