Sunday, July 10, 2011


Naomi also took basketball again this year.  It is so similar to soccer!  Last year she had a hard time and didn't want to go to practice.  I had already decided I wouldn't sign her up again, but then when it came time to register for classes, she begged to do basketball.  I grudgingly signed her up and hoped for the best.  Amazing, that's all I can say.  She can dribble, she can score baskets, and she can pass the ball.  Apparently between age 4 and 5 kids can really improve their coordination.
Her coach even asked her to move up to Kourt Kids 2 the next time she takes a class, only one other kids was invited to move up, so proud of her!
By the way, does that coach look familiar to you?  The same man (Coach Ray) does all the sports for Rio Rancho parks and rec.  Soccer, basketball, t-ball, flag football, tennis, and more!  He's a great guy!

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