Sunday, June 26, 2011


Naomi loves swimming!  She just recenty learned to swim comletely on her own.  She'll go to swimming lessons the last two weeks in June, and the first two weeks in August, just before she goes back to school.  Her classes are at our Aquatic center, which has a great indoor pool complete with water slides!  Here she is on her first day, she's all ready with her goggles.
Much to her horror, she's in a class with all boys, including the insructor.  She still seemso enjoy it though.  They are learning to use the kickboards to strengthen their legs. 
 Naomi doesn't care for the kickboard, but she does pretty well with it.  When I told her that I never liked kickboards either, it seemed to make her feel better.
 Naomi loves being able to go into the deep end with her class.  I think the 'deep end' in this pool is about 4.5 feet at the most, but that means that the water is over her head, so it works for her.  The pratice swimming from one edge to another while the teacher spots them.
Hopefully she'll pass this class so she can move on to the next, she's doing great!

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