Friday, March 25, 2011

Birthday Vacation

Disneyland 2011
Naomi turned 5 this year!  To celebrate her birthday (since it nicely fell during Spring Break) we drove to Southern California.  Our first stop was Disneyland.  We took this picture of her standing in front of a bunch on Birds of Paradise flowers because they are her Nana's favorite.

She had some birthday money to spend while we were on vacation, and a goodly amount was used at the build-a-bear store in Downtown Disney.  She choose a black dog who she named Heart.  Heart of course needed clothing, and socks, and shoes, and a food bowl....

Doesn't she look happy?  We rode in on the monorail where they point out the Matterhorn so she was certain that, that should be her first ride.  It quickly was put on the 'NO' list, as in "NO I'm never riding that again!"

She did like the teacup ride, and insisted that Yaya and Pa pose with her for a picture.  I think she rode in a yellow teacup on the ride, yellow has become her favorite color again.

1 comment:

Andrea said...

Ooooh, I haven't clicked over from my google reader in a while, I love your ribbon background! Glad Naomi had so much fun for her birthday!