Monday, September 20, 2010


We spent this last weekend in Cloudcroft to celebrate out 7th anniversary.
Looking down into the Tularosa Basin, all that white stuff off to the left is White Sands National Monument.

A nice biker took this picture of the 3 of us. Naomi was scared of him, but he really was a sweet guy.

A poor baby cow who we scared on our way back from the Apache Point Observatory.

I love Thistles, I never see them here in RR, but they are abundant in the mountains!
Another pretty flower.

At the Sunspot observatory, this time I placed the camera on a trashcan and set the timer!

She was 'tired'...

This is one really neat building! I goes almost 200 ft up and over 200 ft underground. We got to go inside, but had to be quiet since they were working in there. Oh, yeah, see that third leg, Naomi didn't want to be in the picture!

She's either thinking or zoning off.
Naomi did pretty well considering that she's been sick most of the week. She was a little grumpy and took a nap everyday, but she was a trouper.

1 comment:

Kristin J said...

We have spent a lot of time in Cloudcroft and in Ruidoso and I love it there. That observatory ROCKS too!
I'm so glad you had a great weekend. Happy 7th anniversary!