Wednesday, August 18, 2010

First day of Pre-K

Naomi was off to Pre-K this morning! She picked out her outfit, complete with accessories!
I think she was already sick of me taking picture of her.

In front of her school while we were waiting.

Playing before the other kids got there.
I'm so excited that she's headed off to preschool and that she's excited about it! She will be learning all her letters and numbers, writing, reading, doing math and science, plus playing of course. She will also have lunch there (provided by me), and I think that will really help get her prepared for kindergarten next year, she is such a slow eater! It's hard to send her off for four hours on her own, but I know it'll be good for both of us.


Andrea said...

Love this dress! :) Here's a cool article on helping them to eat faster.

Tina said...

Thanks Andrea! It'll take me some time to read through her blog, but it seems like it will be worth it. Some great ideas!