Monday, December 20, 2010
Christmas Poem
Twas a month before Christmas and I'm here at home,
Once again composing my Holiday poem.
I hope you're healthy and you've had a good year,
May this season give you much festive cheer.
Naomi is four now, growing with great speed!
This year she's even starting to read.
She still loves dinosaurs and learning their names
She'll grow up to be a dog trainer, or so she claims.
Michael's still working and going to school.
Luckily he doesn't have to use a slide rule!
He's just had a birthday, the big 30 this year,
We celebrated with his family, all quite dear.
I'm much the same, stay at home mother.
But I'm very happy, wouldn't have it any other.
I like making crafts and keeping a scrapbook,
I love reading too, especially with my nook!
Pets we have four of, 2 fish and 2 cat,
Very sadly this year, we lost our dear rat.
Milo and Demi aren't sure of each other,
It's a good thing Naomi acts as Milo's mother.
I'll leave you now and finish this poem,
Wrap up those presents, decorate the home.
Remember that Santa will come any day.
Merry Christmas to all, and a Happy Holiday!
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Snow :-)
We got snow! I love snow, I don't like driving in it, I don't even necessarily like playing in it, but it is beautiful.
Naomi was thrilled, she immediately asked to go out and play in it. For anyone who has kids, you know the drill. You suit them all up, the thick socks, the snow pants, trying to keep the long sleeved shirt sleeves down while putting on the jacket, the mittens, the hat, the boots.... Your kid can barely move, they shuffle out into the snow, play for 15 seconds and then are freezing and want back in. Or, alternatively, they need to pee. She did actually come back to the door to yell that she wanted in and I told her that if she came back in she was done for the day (I know, bad Mama!), so she gave me the Naomi look and went back out to play again. She had a blast throwing snowballs at the house! I'm pretty sure she ate quite a bit of snow and she ran around in it. We were lucky enough that the store stayed around for 2 days without getting slushy and icky, so she played in it the next day too.
As much as I like the snow, I'm glad that it is melting today. Michael has to go back to work tomorrow, so I'm glad that his commute will not be hindered by slippery roads or NM drivers.
I probably won't write again before Christmas, so I hope you all have a wonderful week! Be safe and take a moment (or two, or three) to enjoy your family and this time of year!
Wednesday, November 03, 2010
Naomi had a good time trick-or-treating, she went out with Daddy this year while I stayed home to await the other T-or-T'ers. Next year she's thinking of being a bride.
Monday, October 18, 2010
G is for Grouch
Friday, October 01, 2010
If you can't tell, she's wearing a white t-shirt, pink pants, and black dress-up shoes. She said she was bathing in the mud...uh, yeah, that's pretty apparent!
A smart person would have hosed her off outside, a person with one thought in her head would have at least stripped her of her clothes prior to bringing her inside, yeah, I was neither of those. I stuck her in the shower, clothes, shoes, and all and cleaned her up. Oh well, she and the clothes got clean, I carried her so mud wasn't tracked through the house, and the kitchen is mostly clean...
And if you're wondering where the mud came from, the rain barrel had some water in it.
Naomi's Haircut!
Monday, September 20, 2010
Lincoln County
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Holy Tomatoes Batman!
Thursday, September 02, 2010
A note to Mothers with girls
As a Mother myself I now realize that my Mom must have dreaded when that Easy Bake Oven came out of the closet. It is messy, you have to be way more involved than you really want to be, and the cake is gross!
I have spent the last 9 months trying to hide the Oven, or at least put off the baking and decorating of the cakes (with minimal success, Naomi is persistent)! But today, Naomi won... She found the oven, we had nothing better to do, and she made the cake. I spent the whole time worrying that she was either going to spill the cake batter or frosting all over or that she would burn herself on that 40 watt heated oven. She added too much water to the frosting which created a goopy mess and of course I have no powdered sugar! And to complete the experience she naturally wants to share her creation with me. Not wanting to hurt her feelings or stifle that baking goddess that is blooming inside of her, I have to eat at least one slice of the 'cake'. *shudder* That will have to be considered my sugar intake for the rest of the day.
On the plus side, Naomi does remember to wash her hands, and she is pretty good at decorating the cakes, even with goopy icing. So at least there is no dirt added to the cake, and it does actually look like a cake, to an extent.
So, to all you Mommy's who have the 'brilliant' idea of gifting your child with an Easy Bake Oven (or the like) be warned!
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
First day of Pre-K
Tuesday, August 03, 2010
Friday, July 23, 2010
Yup...she's mine....
So you've seen the images that come from a grumpy 4 year old after a long day in a strange city. What happens to that same 4 year old when Pappi takes her flower shopping at Pike Place Market, Mama lets her eat a McDonald's ice cream cone, and then you shove her onto a ferry? Well, she goes a little bit bonkers. She's happy mind you, but still completely bonkers. The biker guys who were parked next to us on the ferry were probably wondering who this child belonged to (eyeing both my sister and myself). I just laughed, video taped her, and thought "Yup...she's mine..."!