What's in there? Naomi was not impressed with the insides of a pumpkin and refused to touch them! I thought for sure she would be really interested. She did love to take the tops off and move the candles around.

Here's one pumpkin (by the way, both pumpkins were grown in
Yaya and Grandpa's garden!)

Here's Naomi's pumpkin, if you can't tell it is a Monkey complete with a tail. I'm not sure why, but that's what she asked for.

What do kitties say? "Meow!" She really loved having me draw the whiskers and nose on her face. She called them her 'pretties'.

Which candy should I eat first? She did end up eating 1 sucker and 1 candy bar, boy was she hyper. Dr.'s can say that sugar doesn't cause it, but sugar does affect kids!
We ended up having a very nice Halloween, we trick-or-treated at 5 or 6 houses before we went home. I never could get her to say 'trick-or-treat' so we settled on please. She always said please and then thank you, then she would try to invite herself into the house.
Naomi was good at handing out candy too. It was fun to see how she reacted to other kids being dressed up.
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