Naomi had some picture's done by a very talented friend. For some reason 5 year olds get that fake smile that looks like they are in pain, this is a collage of the best pictures.
So my little girl is no longer a preschooler, she will start kindergarten in August, we have kindergarten round up in about a week and a half.
I took her to her five year check up and she is of course perfect ;-)
She is 43.5 inches tall and weighs 43.5 lbs. The nurse joking said she was Sponge Bob Square Pants and Naomi gave her the death look. Luckily the nurse didn't take it personally and just laughed it off. While at the check up they also tested her vision. She has great eyesight and was able to use the letters instead of the symbols, the nurse and doctor were duly impressed!
The gave her the typical 60 month evaluation:
Does she use sentences with at least 4 words - as I'm reading this questions Naomi says "I think I'm going to color this rabbit entirely red, because red is my favorite color today!"...yup, I think she used at least 4 words.
Can she copy her name after you've written it below - well I read that one incorrectly and just asked her to write her name, preschool has taught her well.
Can she count to at least 15 - she had just spent the 5 minute ride from preschool to the doctor's off counting to 100, all good.
And so on and so forth - ending summary, we have a smart kiddo.
Other than that the 5 year check up is pretty boring, no vaccinations again until she's 11, much to Naomi's relief. The doctor wanted to make sure we new all about the child seat rules. She talked to Naomi a little bit about strangers, reminding her to never take food, candy, toys, etc from someone she doesn't know.
So all's well in the Wildman household. We are all busy and we may be blown away by this New Mexico wind, but we are also all happy and for the most part healthy (I have a cold, but I'm sure I'll be over it soon).