That's right, our little girl is 1/2 year old! It is truly amazing how the time flys.

Firsts: Crawls a little
Pulls up on furniture
Gets to a sitting position from tummy
Tooth - top left on 9/12
Waves - possibly things she wants to see
Food: Carrots
Hates car trips, scream for the entire trip or until she wears herself out and falls asleep.
still comes to work with me and she is very good most of the time.

Having major difficulties with sleeping again, still has to cry herself to sleep and wakes up at least once during the night. On a bad night she'll wake up 4-5 times.
Loves the kitty! She squeals every time she sees her, and trys to crawl towards her. Sometimes Demi gets too close and Naomi pinches her or grabs her tail, but Demi doesn't get mad at all.